Find Laundry in Staten Island Near Me
You can choose from the presented list of Laundry in Staten Island, New York. Find Laundry near me.
Open nowJersey Street Laundromat378 Jersey Street, Staten Island, NY 10301
Jing Jing Dry Cleaners
432 Forest Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10301+1 718-815-7988
Open nowJNS Dry Cleaners3265 Richmond Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10312+1 718-227-5578
John Ando Carpet Care
5 Winfield Street, Staten Island, NY 10305+1 718-351-5003
Kerrie's Laundry Land
211 Main Street, Staten Island, NY 10307
Open nowLaundromat1648 Forest Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10302
Laundry Corner Inc
158 South Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10303+1 718-981-8196
Lees Cleaners
80 Guyon Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10306+1 718-987-4818
Lenny's Cleaners
3831 Richmond Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10312+1 718-356-2802
M & M Dry Cleaning
294 Port Richmond Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10302+1 718-442-6866
Open nowMagic Clean Carpet809 Castleton Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10310+1 718-720-9108
Open nowMaria, Cleaners & Tailors955 Jewett Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314+1 718-442-6534
Open nowMC Clean Cleaners Inc.134 McClean Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10305+1 718-447-1482
McClean Laundromat
143 McClean Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10305+1 718-815-8999
Mr Cleaners
465 Bay Street # 1, Staten Island, NY 10304+1 718-720-9595
Open nowMy Cleaners1739 Richmond Road, Staten Island, NY 10304+1 718-667-7604
Open nowNeat Nix Carpet Care7448 Amboy Road, Staten Island, NY 10307+1 917-410-4687
Nelson Carpet Cleaning & Restoration of Bay Terrace Inc.
150 Nelson Avenue #2, Staten Island, NY 10308+1 718-280-9706
Open nowNelson Cleaners2 Nelson Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10308+1 718-227-9390
Open nowNew Targee Cleaners Inc.4302, 1132 Targee Street, Staten Island, NY 10304+1 347-988-9850
Nexce Cleaning Services
44 Country Drive South, Staten Island, NY 10314+1 917-803-5535
Nome Laundry Inc
440 Nome Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314+1 718-494-4604
Open nowNY Quality Wash1733 Richmond Road, Staten Island, NY 10306+1 718-351-8193
One Stop Laundromat-Superette
343 Broadway, Staten Island, NY 10310+1 718-273-1500
Categories of companies in Staten Island, New York
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- Car dealer
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- Car repair
- Car wash
- Cemetery
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- Clothing store
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- General contractor
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- Insurance agency
- Jewelry store
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- Lawyer
- Library
- Liquor store
- Local government office
- Locksmith
- Lodging
- Meal delivery
- Meal takeaway
- Mosque
- Movie rental
- Moving company
- Museum
- Night club
- Painter
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- Pet store
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapist
- Place of worship
- Plumber
- Police
- Post office
- Real estate agency
- Roofing contractor
- School
- Shoe store
- Shopping mall
- Spa
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- Synagogue
- Train station
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- Travel agency
- University
- Veterinary care